
CTEAMC was founded as late as nov. 2013.

But are already the NO. 1 TEAM in West-Africa!!

Why? How?

Read further....

We are now also expanding to

Southern Africa, and looking for new leaders! Is that you? Contact us!

Team founders

Agnes "Aggy" Gitu & Daniel "Dan" Nyatigi, now located in Monrovia Liberia, looking for YOU and other leaders,to expand their business. They moved from Kenya to West-Africa,with their family in nov. 2013. And they are already the TOP LEADER of the Sierra Leone,Liberia, Guinea and the Ghanas area !

They are one of the founders of CteamC.


To join their team, or contact for info ;


- aggy or dan@cteamc.com


- info@cteamc.com


- cell Aggy +231 770773155


- cell Dan +231 888650445

Roar and Siri Hamre lives in Norway, far up north :)

Roar is the other founder of CteamC and the sponsor to Aggy and Dan :)

He joined Forever Living Products as long as 13 years ago, in 2004!

He is also the editor of this website.


Contact info:

- roar@cteamc.com



- info@cteamc.com


- skype: ro-ham

Why the name "CteamC" ?


Why not "A or B team" ?

If you are the "A-team", you will think that you are already the best, or "fat" and satisfied..... And as a "B-team" you are "maybe" satisfied with be no. 2.......

BUT as "C-team" you will always act as a "runner up", and be hungry for more and will achive more!!

How can you get a 5+ day holiday in exotic Norway ?

Or afford a new house or a car ?


- Go on "Contact/join us", and take contact with one of the leaders there. Or above to Aggy,Dan or Roar, and email us about the opportunity, and how to qualify :-)


- We have the best products and marketing plan possible from Forever Living Products, the world's largest producer of aloevera.

- We have enthusiastic, passionate teamleaders with a passion for what they believe in, in our case to help people with health, wellbeing and economy!

- The 2 founders of "CteamC" have 19 years all together in Forever Living, and over 20 years in Network Marketing!


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